Halloween Spirit Week! (Oct. 24-31)
Excelsior students will be jumping into the holiday spirit (Spirits! Yikes!) throughout this week.
Monday, October 24: Fall fever day, Students will be wearing colors of fall, such as orange, brown, or yellow.
Tuesday, October 25: Hat day, with Excelsior students wearing Halloween hats, whether that of wizards, witches, or other spooky hats.
Wednesday, October 26: Scary movie day, with students wearing t-shirts or other clothing depicting their favorite scary movies (mine is the original 1978 thriller Halloween)
Thursday, October 27: Trick or Treat! Students will bring their favorite treats to share with each other. Yum! But watch out for those scary cavities!
Friday, October 28: Sports day! Students will wear clothing depicting their favorite sports team, because there’s nothing scarier than seeing your favorite team possibly lose!
Monday, October 31: Costume day. Students (and some spooky faculty and staff) will wear costumes. Let’s see who’s the spookiest! (or at least the most entertaining!)
Happy Halloween everyone!