

Excelsior School admits students of any color, racial or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities accorded to students at the school. Excelsior does not discriminate on the basis of color, race, ethnic origin, or religious affiliation with regard to the administration of its education policies, admissions policies, and scholarship and aid programs.

Entrance requirements are based on intellectual ability, personal character, and a demonstrated willingness to learn. The specific criteria for admission to Excelsior School include: Report cards or transcripts; Written recommendations from teacher/counselor/principal; Placement exam scores; and Completed application form. Excelsior School is first and foremost a community with an unparalleled academic program that seeks to educate future leaders. The Admission Committee selects students who possess character, scholarship, an interest in belonging to a vigorous and diverse community, and a willingness to share extracurricular talents or abilities. Of course, the best predictor of academic success is past performance combined with a clear understanding of academic expectations. Through teacher and personal recommendations, a current transcript, a personal interview, and student essays, the Admissions Committee seeks to assess a student’s capacity to thrive in the Excelsior environment. We also use standardized testing to support our assessment of student’s academic ability and potential. Students with special talents should not hesitate to submit portfolios or videos of independent work or activities.

Additional rules for international students, please click on International Student Admissions Policy.


Step One: Parent/Guardian Application Form

Step Two: Teacher Recommendations

  • Choose two current/recent academic teachers to fill out the recommendation forms.
  • Print teacher and applicant’s name on the recommendation.
  • Give forms to applicant’s teachers to complete and email completed recommendations form to

Step Three: Personal Reference (optional)

  • Choose someone who knows your child to fill out the personal reference. We suggest a neighbor, family friend or non-academic teacher.
  • Print applicant’s name on the personal reference form.
  • Give form to person of your choice and email completed personal reference form to

Step Four: Transcript Release

  • Give the Authorization Transcript Release Form to an official at your child’s school with a pre-addressed stamped envelope.
  • Include transcripts from the current year and the two previous years and email to

Step Five: Immunization Records

  • Email copy of student’s immunization records to

Step Six: Financial Support Documents (Foreign Student Only)

  • Email evidence that you have sufficient funds to support yourself or support from your family (such as Certificate of deposit) to


Transfer students who plan to graduate from Excelsior School will be held responsible for school graduation requirements. Course work completed outside the school will be evaluated to determine whether or not credit will be awarded. To receive a diploma from Excelsior School, a transfer student must meet the graduation requirements and have earned fifty credits in Excelsior School. The transfer student must also be enrolled in the school granting the diploma in the semester of graduation. Honors courses taken in another school must correlate with Excelsior School honors courses for weighted credit to be awarded.


New students entering Excelsior School from another school will be classified based on the number of credits they have earned from the previous school.

Graduation Classifications
Credits earned when school open in Fall
SeniorMore than 150
JuniorMore than 100 less than 150
SophomoreMore than 150 less than 100
FreshmanFewer than 50


Excelsior School is a small, independent boarding high school that offers a rigorous, college-preparatory education. The school depends upon prompt payment of tuition, rather than government subsidies. Excelsior committed to keeping our school as affordable as possible, while at the same time providing quality education.

2025-2026 Academic YearDomesticInternational
Application Fee$75$150
Day Student  
• *Tuition$22,500$29,800
Boarding Student  
*Tuition, Program Fee, Room & Board$53,200$61,500
Annual Program Fees 
• Registration Fee$100
• Book/Printing Material Fee$250
• Student I.D.$10
• School Uniform$300
• Locker Rental$40
• Textbook Rental$400
• ASB Fee$500
• P.E. Uniform$100
• Science/Computer Lab Fee$500
• Yearbook Fee (Option)$70
• Graduation Fee (Seniors Only)$180
• Lunch Fee (Day Student Only)$4,200

Boarding student fees include the program fee and health insurance (for international students only).
*Tuition does not include annual program fee.
**Program Fee: Registration Fee, Student I.D., Material/Printing Fee, Locker Rental Fee, Book Rental Fee, Uniform Fee, Associated Student Body Fee.
Day student tuition fee does not include lunch fee.
Disclaimer: Tuition and fees are subject to change at any time at the discretion of Excelsior School.

Apply to Excelsior School

Online Payment

Click the “Pay Now” button below to pay Application Fee or Space Reservation Fee through Converge. You will be taken to a separate browser window tab to complete the transaction. After completing the Converge transaction, return to this page by clicking on the “Excelsior School” tab at the top of your browser window.

Excelsior School has contracted with PayMyTuition, offering students a tool to manage their international tuition payments and account balance.