Excelsior School offers students ample opportunity to polish their leadership skills both in and out of the classroom. We provide activities and organizations that encourage the students to share their time and talent with the community and to help make the world a better place. Leadership skills are developed through Academic Organizations, Athletics and Extracurricular Activities. Additional activities are added as student interest presents itself.
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.
Excelsior School encourages students to participate in student activities as a way of fostering and promoting their leadership abilities and their talents in specific areas of interest. The Activities Director works with all student leaders and moderators to insure the overall success of this program.
Every student registered at Excelsior is a member of the Associated Student Body (ASB). As a member of ASB, each student has the responsibility to function as a conscientious citizen by supporting worthwhile projects initiated by the student council, and by entering into the process of selecting qualified members of student government.
At Excelsior, we believe that a successful Student Council is integral to nurturing responsible, collaborative and pro active young people. The Student Council aims to build a sense of community and strength within the school by complimenting the school's mission to widen students' horizons, build confidence and independence and encourage excellence. The Student Council consists of the following elected members who must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average to be eligible: ASB Officers, Class Officers and Class Presidents.