contact US CONTACT USWe are happy to assist you with anything you need. Our friendly office staff is available Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Need help with enrollment? Our enrollment…
English Pages
contact US CONTACT USWe are happy to assist you with anything you need. Our friendly office staff is available Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Need help with enrollment? Our enrollment…
Admissions ADMISSIONS POLICYExcelsior School admits students of any color, racial or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities accorded to students at the school. Excelsior does not discriminate…
Academics ACADEMICS Excelsior School is a small, boarding high school that offers a rigorous, college-preparatory education. Our school, a WASC accredited institution, has established an excellent track record of graduates…
PRINCIPAL Bachelor of Science in EducationMaster of Science in Early Elementary Childhood Education and Informational TechnologyMaster of Education in Instructional Technology & MediaPRINCIPAL’S MESSAGEHello Excelsior Scholars and Families!It is my…
OUR PROGRAMS Excelsior School is a college preparatory school in Arcadia, California. We were established in 1986. We currently have grades 9-12. Excelsior offers small group learning and individual attention…